done nothing more to say . all that matters.
Saturday, April 18, 2009 ( 9:48 AM )
04.18.09 yesturday was soooo live oh my gosh. I went to my friends house with my boyfriend. And we played ball outside in the nice weather! and then all of a sudden this guy that chopped me not to long ago showed up , but thank God he went into his friends house soo.. there wouldnt be any feuds happening with him and my fiance' jayson ! After all that happened we went back inside and played Guitar Hero for a couple of hours. After that me and Jayson left to go back to my house and when we got home we chilled and stuff and then he went home. I must say yestuday was a liver day! It should be like this every friday :).
04.16.09 kso, this is my first post. TODAY... was a very boring day. did nothing in class. Imagined sitting in guyana with a banks beer..smoking the good stuff. Last night I had a dream that i was walking down a street near my house.... there was five dollar bills and twenty dollar bills all over the floor. I picked them up and put them into a plastic bag. When i returned to my house in my dream.. i opened the bag and saw blank tiny sheets of white paper... wtf does this mean? im not to sure but whatever. So in class today i tried to do work.. but couldn't because i was to busy thinking about what i am going to do after highschool.. involving my finance' Jayson. He's 'OKAY' he has his SPAZZ moments like last night before my dream.. he bauxed me in the face.. wait scratch that MY TEMPLE.. you know the place in which your not supposed to get hit because if u get hit hard enough you can die.. BUT ANYWAYS he has a reason for tumping me in the face... its because i seen a spider and i freaked out and jumped ontop of him and he swung his arm to turn his body and then he punched me. yes ouch... but yeah its alright cause hes the bomb. okay sooo... im only on this because of this wack charecter named ralph z. manga.. u alreadyyy know broohann. ! kso thats all i can think of for today... LATER DAYS [ comment ]